Bevar Bodegaerne
Branding campaign – bodega culture
Arnbitter is a dusty old classic, which we would like to stand by, since being dusty seems endangered these days. It’s perishing along with our beloving danish pubs, whom must yield to become a third wave coffee place, second hand shop or some other gentrified flagship.
We created the SoMe campaign ‘Preserve the pubs’, that tells the history of the pubs, shows the beauty as well as their fight for existence.
Making Arnbitters SoMe following increase with more than 300%.
Listen to the 5 episodes:
Ep. 1
Vinstue 90
Ep. 2
Jaguaren 'Missekatten'
Ep. 3
Wessels Kro
Ep. 4
Rosengårdens Bodega
Ep. 5
Hviids Vinstue
Special m. Klaus Riskær, Allan Mylius & Per Møller